Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sigh or psy?!

Just another update of the sea creature... im running out of ideas! tells me what you guys/gals think!


  1. Painting stuff that's under water is always really tricky, I find, especially when it comes to showing depth. Since the backdrop is usually darker than the subject, everything tends to flatten out. Try and push some of the elements of the creature further back.

    On that note though, I think you're doing a great job with those reds. They really pull the face forward and in general, they look wicked.

    1. Sounds good, i wasn't sure if I should even show the back tentacles just because it's supposed to be in like deep sea, but I still wanted to have the viewer see it's form, we'll see how it goes! thanks man!

  2. I like the extra details you are adding with each pass. I'm not too much of those lines you added on its chest? area though. It's hard for me to picture this thing's whole body.. but that's what I kind of liked with your last pass. The creature was engulfed in darkness, and I like the appeal of that. Those lines on its legs are cool, but maybe you could darken them more as they fade into the background of DARKNESS. I've never actually painted anything in the water so... yeha. Make this guys skin really slimy looking and it's gonna be great

    1. Yeah, same here. I kind of second guessed it once I added it in but I was going to let it sit for a day and see how it looked tomorrow. I did like the feel that the first pass had. I'll give the tentacle a slimly surface, but I think I want to keep body for scaly! but who knows! I might change my mind! haha Thanks man!

  3. are you having trouble with resolving how the surface of the tentacles would look? have you ever watch documentaries of ocean life? the ones with cool cinematics would show shots of octopus or squid real' close-up and moving around. the skin is 'slimy' as erik says, but there are spots and specks. for a mythical thing like this, you could make up patterns/designs (RUNES!) or you could apply a scaly skin instead of a slimy shiny one.

    i like that his horns look like they're glowing because of the light colored outline. you could make the teal streams on his body glow too (like some weird Tron effect). i'd imagine they'd functionally work to draw in prey like that huge ugly deep-sea fish with a lightbulb on its head.

    1. Nah, I haven't gotten to the tentacle part of him yet, and I don't know if I want to put in so much detail on them, just because they're going to be more in silhouettes or have vague details on them, but I think i'll play with the idea a bit tomorrow. Yeah, runes could give it a very ancient vibe, maybe almost...GOD LIKE... haha

      yeah, my main references were the angler fish and all those other deep sea creature that has illuminating skin! so cool!
