Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oct. 31

Oct. 31 Swamp Study

Have a great Halloween! Everybody!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped me persevere through this daily challenge! I've learned a lot over the past month and I'm ready to bring what i've learned into my illustrations! I'm going to take a break for the month of November to work on personal projects,  but I will continue the dailies in December! Until then!!



  1. Loving the atmosphere from the limited palette, and especially how you've applied those colours on the sky. I could stare at those clouds for hours!

    Feels like the trees in the far back could do with some softer edges, though. It's a bit jarring for them to be as sharp and contrasty as the foreground elements. Yes, contrasty is now a word >:

    1. haha! DEM DAYZ haha

      haha yea, i'll note that for the next time! haha thanks!

      and YUSS contrasty is here to stay!
