Thursday, March 22, 2012


what the fuck am I doing anymore I'm going blind


  1. Karsen, loving where this is going.

    It reminds me a bit of the fall..

    1. Oh wow, that's beautiful! I must see this movie.

    2. Yes... yes you must. And I must see this piece when you're done with it!

  2. i love Tarsem's cinematography. <3 The Fall. The Cell has cool visuals too, but it's not as pleasant to watch as The Fall.

    i like how the arrangement of the elements in your composition always seem to symbolize something deeper. you're ok karsen! when i think of "just keep going, workin' it" this song plays in my mind.

    ... i dunno. i haven't quite caught up in sleep yet from the past few days.

    1. Thanks!

      Haha, Rawhide? I love that you picked the sequence from Fievel Goes West, haha. Love that movie!

  3. It's looking good! DAT FIYAAH. :D I guess my only concern is that the ground plane is kind of confusing. Right now it looks like there are tiers, like stair steps?

    1. Thank you for pointing that out! They're actually supposed to be long shadows, because the tree is one light source while the low light of dawn is another. There should be more shadows of varied lengths. I think I might be getting rid of them though... So many things are changing in this piece. @n@ I need Lou to look at it and bring some common sense to the process

  4. I think you're selling the thumbnail very well and it also gives of a kinda silent, peaceful sense of emotion, but I might be getting a little flat because everything is vertical (shadows). Not sure if you would want to but you can like bring the figure closer to the viewer so that we're seeing the back of the figure and kinda over the shoulder but still seeing the whole figure, while having the cast shadows drawn vertically to help sell depth (if still confused, I can show you). Just an idea! but I'm loving it! you and your crazy imagination!

    1. Thanks! I went over it with Lou and we got the depth working better while still keeping it pretty 2D.

      Haha my ~crazy imagination~
