Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dragon WIP 3?

I was aiming to try and finish it tonight but with the combination of school + gym + drive home, I'm really exhausted. Started detailing the dragon's face. Was doodling for a couple of hours trying to get a random pattern with the scales, but kept getting a pattern.... Had thoughts of just scarping it and restarting (still a possibility). Who knows, I might be able to save this one once I get some fresh pair of eyes. The weekend seems to be filled with school work. Going to try and get my references and line work for my upcoming projects done before class on Wednesday. Sorry, got carried away about my schedule haha. Well I hope you guys have a great weekend! Keep up the great work! Hope to see some post from EVERYONE! (You know who you are, haha) Night!

BTW: I promise if I don't finish this damn dragon by sunday's post, I'll start posting other stuff (I'm sure everyone is bored and tired of the same posting)

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